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Lufthansa Ghana, supports women`s media group

Source: Foundation for Female Photojournalists (FFP) | Posted: Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Lufthansa Ghana has partly sponsored a representative of the Foundation for Female Photojournalists (FFP) to attend the just-ended forty-ninth session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York, United States of America.

The support by Lufthansa is part of its corporate commitment to assist civil society organisations in their effort to address human rights and good governance issues in Ghana.

The FFP, the only women's media and art organisation from Ghana attended the conference to better understand women's issues from an international perspective and to factor in the Ghanaian agenda into its projects and activities.

The FFP's participation enabled it to learn about women group efforts concerning the section J of the Beijing platform for action, which addresses women and media concerns.

The FFP has subsequently chosen the section J of the Beijing Platform for Action adopted in 1995 as its guiding framework in addition to other international declarations relevant to the its work

The conference reviewed the platform for action adopted in 1995 and accessed the achievements chalked and the way forward. At the end of the conference it was unanimously affirmed that the declarations made in 1995 are still valid and should be the guiding principles for women development worldwide.

Some of the activities the foundation carried out were: writing daily stories of the conference for Ghanaian radio stations and other media houses and sending e-mails to organisations in Ghana.

As a follow up to the FFP's participation in the conference, the FFP will run stories from the Ghanaian perspective for its online magazine and the press.

These story analyses will afford the Ghanaian government agencies, funding organisations to fit their support to women groups into the framework of the Beijing Platform for Action, NEPAD, and the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Millennium Development Goals.

It will also afford the opportunity to consider the media for a holistic advocacy on human rights and good governance.

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