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Muslims commended
...For exhibiting religious tolerance

GNA | Posted: Monday, April 11, 2005

Reverend Charles Oppong, pastor in charge of the Calvary Baptist Church in Sunyani, has noted that ethnic and religious conflicts have always plunged the world into conflicts hence the need for Ghanaians to tolerate each other.

Rev. Oppong who was preaching a sermon to round off a four-day Easter Convention and religious outreach programme at Sampa in Jaman North District in the Brong Ahafo Region, expressed the need for religious tolerance to deepen the status of Ghana as a haven.

He commended Muslims in the community for their tolerance and cooperation during the programme stressing: "I was touched by the level of tolerance, solidarity and the high sense of maturity exhibited by the Muslims".

"If all religious and ethnic groups continue to work in cooperation, the nation's problems would be solved in no time," he said.

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