Gay population growing in Koforidua
GNA | Posted: Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Research has shown that about eight per cent of men who meet at certain well-known places in the New Juaben Municipality for sex are gays.
This came to light at the presentation of the results of the research findings based on the "Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts"(PLACE) to stakeholders in the New Juaben Municipality at Koforidua at a workshop on Monday.
Speaking at the function, New Juaben Municipal HIV/AIDS Focal Person Mrs Lilian Baeka said the research indicated that 43 per cent of men and 37 per cent of women go to those sites regularly to meet new sex partners.
She said the research also indicated that only 29 per cent of the identified sites always had condoms available.
Mrs Baeka said the workshop was to make available the result of the research to stakeholders who would subject it to discussion, identify potential sites and to prepare a plan of action based on identified interventions.
She explained that the research was focused on places where new partnerships were formed because HIV transmission was fuelled by new partnerships and sexual behaviour.
New Juaben Municipal Chief Executive Nana Adjei Boateng appealed to assembly members, opinion leaders and community-based organisations to intensify the fight against HIV/AIDS.
He also urged them to target the youth who are most vulnerable to the influence of undesirable foreign cultures which promote promiscuous life.
Nana Adjei Boateng reminded them that the destiny of the country rested in the youth therefore they must be encouraged to lead responsible sexual lives.
New Juaben Municipal Director of Health Services Dr Benjamin Marfo debunked the claim in some quarters that HIV positive people who had sex with virgins or babies would be cured of the disease.
He said last year, the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT)/Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) centre in the municipality registered 3,061 antenatal clients.
Dr Marfo said out of the number, 420 were counselled and 146 accepted to be tested and only nine tested negative.