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Yaa Broni
goes to town

| Posted: Monday, October 17, 2005

A lot has gone on since the last time I went to town. The Harona Esseku's, Stephen Ntims and Mac Manus are all waxing lyrical and poetic about what they will do for the party if they get elected chairman of NPP.

My opinion? Well, If I was to go by the various pronouncements from the trio, I would say Mr. Mac Manu sounds and looks genuine and has his heart in the right place.

Mr. Ntim comes across as arrogant but my dad used to say to me, you can grudgingly admire and respect an arrogant man who has a lot to show for his arrogance. But I also think he can muck in with the rank and file when the need arises and he seems to be on the ball, organised and a fine political tactician. The other contestant, Mr. Haruna Esseku has gone past his sell-by-date.

He should retire gracefully. I am not saying old means ineffective or inactive but I am afraid this time round Mr. Esseku should sit back and enjoy his retirement. He has done some for the party but he certainly can't take the party to 2008. He is too old in the tooth and like my grandma used to say when she was talking serious business and we were mucking around, ''yen be bo nkro wa ha" meaning ''we are not here to play''.

Mr. Esseku should join the council of elders and give advice here and there as and when needed .He should go sit on his stoop having high tea or elevenses, Fanti man that he is, and enjoy his retirement.

The party needs people who have the drive and the energy to steer it to another victory, not septuagenarians who commit all manner of faux pas's all over the place to the detriment of the party.

of policemen and traffic rage These days I see drivers with their seat belts on or trying to put it on at the sight of a policeman. It is all good; it means the latest clamp downs are working. The law is taking its course.

But I witnessed a policeman sit in the car of a traffic offender and drive off with him, leaving his post at the traffic lights and I saw a lot of drivers having a field day. A solution should be found to this or the purpose of the policeman at the traffic lights is defeated. But I commend the police so far for instituting the law even if there is still a lot of room for improvement.

But ironically the old police jeeps don't seem to have seat belts so the police drivers don't wear them when driving. This particular driver just drove with such careless abandon and his colleague let him off. This is not good enough or is it a case of we look after own own?

a few adult themes These days there is a lot of homosexual bashing, but what about the lesbians? I hear people saying they can accommodate lesbianism, it is not so bad but they can't come to terms with two men copulating. The idea of sodomy is unacceptable but what about the heterosexuals who practice anal sex? Isn't it the same? Again some of us think that bi-sexuals are okay. At least they indulge both ways. I don't understand all this warped logic. If it is bad it is bad for all - lesbians, homsexuals, bi-sexuals and what have you!

It is supposed to be fashionable these days to be a flirting between theses two but don't ask me why. I just think some of us are perpetually in the warped lane with this "in" thing business. We will do and try anything that is supposed to make you "in". Now tell me why abusing one's poor bottom terribly is "in"? But this is the stark reality in this dear country of ours. Eye asem ohh! But they say it is all about the money! Yep, a lot of these confused people are in it for the money. I get chatted up by same sex people with no shame whatsoever. They blatantly come on so strong it is disgusting.

You are expected to either grin and bear it or make their day by agreeing with their requests! What the heck is going on? The other craze is the sale of vibrators in this city. Someone is making a pretty packet selling these sex tools and the women are buying them in their droves, and why not? I guess the lonely ones are better off making a friend of the vibrator rather than attaching themselves to some man just for the sake of sex. It is also safer!

a pompous fm presenter and his side-kick I found it pretty sad and shallow when a pompous FM presenter and his equally shallow side kick waxed sarcastic about the ten thousand US dollars being paid to the Black Stars especially Essien.

Yes! Essien is earning mega bucks so perhaps this money is peanuts for him but it is not about the amount, it is about the thought and appreciation for a job well done. As for these FM presenters, I sometimes wonder whether their brains are in gear before they speak. One of them was so insensitive on the morning after the death of Mr. Osei Kwaku.

He talked about the freak death and without as much as a whisper of condolence, went on to say he was the worst sports minister ever. I was so spitting mad I wanted to go through the radio and kick his sorry ass to kingdom come and give him a few slaps to unscramble his head. It was in such bad taste I cringed with utter disgust.

It is only uncouth people who spew out such nonsense. He should learn to curb his rabid tongue. I hope he has learnt his lesson even though somehow I really don't think so. People like him get so above themselves they get into a delusional state of grandeur and pomposity.

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