Yaa Broni
goes to town
| Posted: Wednesday, November 02, 2005
is frances asiam for real?
Last week some of the papers were in full flight about the singing canary Frances Asiam. Who ever thought that this woman would one day be fighting for her integrity? But what goes round, we are told, comes round eventually. It is amazing what being 'born-again' does to a person's psyche.
Daggers drawn, she is fighting and spitting mad about her reputation being trampled upon in the mud and Psalm 23 has become her sword and buckler as she tries to take other people down with her by alleging all manner of stories. Is she for real? My question is what did she think she was doing when she embarked on her journey of lies and deception? Now she is getting a taste of her own medicine and is crying foul.
Tut! tut! Mrs. Asiam it is called just desserts!. I hope she has learnt some hard lessons .Hasn't she heard the saying 'when you sup with the devil you need a long spoon? Let them carry on with accusations and counter accusations. She should continue to spit and hiss. It makes good reading and perhaps the hapless Ghanaian producers could make an 'epic' film out of this. What with the venomous web of political intrigue, evil machinations unraveling so fast - this would certainly win a "Gollywood" Oscar.
Don't you think? I do sincerely hope though that Ghanaians are learning great lessons from this. This is the time for the CPP to rise from their slumber, get their act together, and fast become the viable opposition that this country needs. Just a passing thought: Why don't they, that is CPP and PNC put the cockerel on the palm tree and be done with it?
bed and breakfast for the president?
The NPP must also not sit on their oars, for there is a lot of hard work ahead.
The President travels for the good of the country and yet some people say he travels too many times. We are now dictating where he should stay when he travels. A bed and breakfast for the President coming up! This is our President for crying out loud! Isn't he entitled to some creature comforts? How petty, shallow and dense can we get? Simply put, very soon we will be dictating what kind of tooth paste he should use, what kind of food he should eat and which pillow he should sleep on, to "save" money!
The price of his underwear or his singlet could be the next write-up for public scrutiny and how he should buy a particular type to again "save" taxpayers money! We are a bit simple and we have gone past stupid, we are now totally moronic. Funnily or ironically enough, we would not have dared go down this line during the PNDC/NDC regime, so now that the floodgates of freedom are open we are waxing stupid all over the place.
how foolish, stupid, have we become?
The mischief goes on unabated. Do we really want to move on? Do we really want this country to be the star of hope for Africa? We are disgracing ourselves and showing ourselves up to the whole world that we are still so very immature and infantile. It is really, really sad! Our new democratic freedom is grossly misplaced and our lack of democratic maturity has come to the fore.
We have become like prisoners who have been put in solitary confinement and suddenly let out into the light. We don't know what to do with our new democratic freedom and if we do, we are grossly misusing it to the detriment of the whole nation. We spend precious time investigating and writing about either untruths or unnecessary stuff either due to ignorance or sheer evil.
For example if there was a news item tomorrow that the President only eats potatoes, there would be a whole hoo-ha about how potatoes are more expensive that yam and therefore a waste of the taxpayers' money. And all manner of foolish text messages and emails would fly back and forth; so-called social commentators would now comment stupidly and it would go on and on.
This is how foolish we have become! It has become so tiresome and very dangerous to our infant democracy. We have lost focus and all we are about is sarcasm, mischief, evil intent and total destruction! God forbid it does not happen but I sometimes wish God would visit a Tsunami or a hurricane (with due respect to the victims and families of these disasters) to teach us some hard lessons.
When thousands or millions have died we might wake up from our foolishness, misplaced arrogance in thinking we know it all and have all the answers and the self-destructive collision course we are on. I have said it once and I will keep saying this: Our extreme gullibility coupled with our high illiteracy levels will be the death of us!
You only need to listen to the comments, text messages, emails, arguments and counter arguments from the listeners when a particular topic comes up to know what I am talking about. Most of us don't even understand the issues much more argue over them. Hmm! What can I say if not God help us!