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Yaa Broni
goes to town

| Posted: Monday, December 12, 2005

stinging the president

"Ye se aboa bi kawu, eche wo toma mu". It seems some members of the NPP in their haste to amass votes are "sleeping with the enemy" so to speak. It is indeed a disaster for the party if they have parochial and selfish people like this in their midst who would stoop so low as to try destroy the President for their own selfish ends.

And when such people are at the top of the hierarchy, then it becomes even more dangerous and frightening. If I were the President I would get rid of such people before they do more damage. It would only be for the good of the party .Such people have no conscience, no loyalty.

For only traitors would try to destroy their leader in their bid to win favour with the party members during party elections. If the leader goes down, he goes down with them. Or perhaps if that were to happen, they would jump ship to the other side.

The enemy is certainly from within as well as from without but those within are who will ruin the party. I should hope that come congress time the new crop of executives will be up and doing to put their house in order.

loyalty to the president

I was listening to the PRO to Dr. Richard Anane on radio and I cringed with distaste. All I can say is, he certainly has learnt from his master. I remember the minister's performance during vetting time and the answers he gave. Mr. Anku should have been more diplomatic.

I thought tact and diplomacy are the tools of his profession. If he did not want to be interviewed, he should have declined instead of making such a sad spectacle of himself.

And while I am at it, If I had the power, I would get rid of many ministers and the various spokespersons who are really a drain on our resources. Most of them don't know what their job descriptions are, much more their terms of references.

In fact by the time I was through with it I would probably get rid of the whole lot, including press secretaries and all and start afresh with serious minded people who want to work and are loyal….

The president needs to have loyal people who will stand behind him, be there for him through thick and thin and be committed to the cause and most importantly share his vision, not most of the people he has now who will sell him down the tubes at the drop of a hat and who are totally disloyal to boot.

A lot of his people have definitely let him down and should be "disposed of".

pompous and haughty media What kind of media have we been lumbered with? Most of our media people have sunk into the bowels of despicable, dirty, evil journalism - from radio to print to the internet.

If we are not in the throes of destroying someone, we are busy spreading falsehoods and insisting on the truth of it simply to carry forth certain agenda. This is not the kind of media this country needs in our young democracy. We have half-baked journalists lurking all over the place with no iota of honesty to the profession.

Ethics have been thrown out of the window. It is a dangerous pastime and drastic measures have to be taken to get rid of this canker that threatens to destroy the very fibre of our young democracy.

Presenters sit on air with their cohorts and churn out all manner of utter nonsense in the name of journalism. For some it has become a personal vendetta against their "political enemies" and others on purely selfish grounds.

Vile propaganda is their watchword. Some have become so pompous and haughty with egos so overblown they sit on air and play God.

I wish some of these people would learn some hard lessons from the fallout of their excesses each time they try to go on some trumped-up crusade.

Because one of these fine days, they will be tripping themselves up big time, for what goes round comes round.

hampers: the SFO man must be realistic Did I hear the acting SFO director say hampers to officials are illegal? Well, Mr. SFO man, this is all mighty fine but are you being realistic? Like I said in my other write up, gifts are a cultural thing.

You give it to the person as a sign of appreciation for helping you out even if it is their job to do it. Sometimes it is not what they did for you but the warmth and efficiency with which they did it that warrants a hamper especially at Christmas.

Is Mr SFO saying he won't receive any hampers this Christmas for having helped someone solve their fraud case? However I admit people give gifts too as a form of bribe but before the fact not after.

It is a thin line and a grey area so it needs to be looked at carefully. The SFO man cannot pretend he can get rid of it that easily. He should be realistic. What he is doing at the moment is showing off to us that he knows his job, is up and doing and independent.

That is all fine and dandy but he should face the realities too. Hmm, this Christmas he certainly will have his work cut out for him, because he will be arresting thousands of people giving hampers and in the process collapse the hamper industry! The hamper industry thrives on the corporate world and "officialdom" not families and friends.

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