"Do not to beg for alms for a living"
GNA | Posted: Monday, February 06, 2006
Mr. Christian Owusu, Wenchi District President of the Association of the Physically Challenged has advised members of the association to desist from the practice of sitting by roadsides to beg for alms. The practice he said, exposes them to public ridicule.
Mr. Owusu made the observation when he addressed over 150 members of the association at a meeting in Wenchi in the Brong Ahafo Region during which they discussed the challenges that faced them and how they could be helped by the government to address their problems.
He expressed regret at how the physically challenged were always looked down upon in society and said it was time for the public to stop the attitude as physical disability did not mean incapability and inability for they also have talents to contribute towards national development.
He advised them to engage in income generating activities such as petty trading, poultry keeping, fashion designing and similar activities which would not need much strength and which would earn them a living.
Mr. Owusu pleaded with the District Assemblies to arrange to offer some credit facilities for the physically challenged to engage them in economic ventures to enhance their living standards.
He reminded the public that it was not the making of the physically challenged persons to find themselves in their situations and any one could become "disabled" at anytime in one's.
Mr. Daniel Bontobo, Brong Ahafo Regional Chairman of the Ghana Association of the Blind expressed regret about the inequalities and barriers between people with physical challenges and others in society saying such barriers should be removed as they were against human rights and freedom.
Mr. Bontobo cited the mass unemployment problems facing the physically challenged because some employers are "selective when offering employment to people."
He complained that as a result of the lack of financial support, a number of physically challenged persons who have received training in rehabilitation centres were still without jobs. The Administrator at the Wenchi Methodist Hospital Mr. Bernard Clement Kwasi Botwe, who presided at the meeting announced that a Christian, Non-Governmental Organization known as Wenchi Rescue Home has been organised in Wenchi to help arrest problems facing orphans, widows the aged and needy in the communities.
The NGO, which has Pastor Joseph Nsowaah Mensah in-charge of the Apostles Continuation Church at Wenchi, has managed to register about 50 widows and 20 orphans and started putting the necessary structures in place towards their welfare and to bring improvement into their living standards.
Mr. Botwe called on the government to attach great importance to the Disability Bill before parliament to help address challenges facing people with disabilities.