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Farmer wants two terms only for MPs

GNA | Posted: Monday, February 20, 2006

Mr. Ernest Asiamah Dufuor, a farmer at Tepa, has called for an enactment of the law to limit the number of terms a person would be eligible to be in parliament to two terms, instead of the present unlimited terms.

Speaking to reporters at Tepa Mr. Dufuor, who is also a senior Presbyter at the Tepa Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, said experience had shown that because of the unlimited terms, some parliamentarians, who have been to parliament for more than two terms consider themselves indispensable and fall short of expectation.

He said if people, who have the mandate of their constituencies to be in parliament, are aware that they have limited time to be there, they would take the work in parliament serious and would also respect the electorate.

Mr. Dufour said apart from many people getting the chance to be voted for and go to parliament, the limitation will go a long way to curb the incidence of bribery and corruption that has allegedly characterized the elections of parliamentarians at the primary levels.

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