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A R Harruna Attah writes on...
Controversy over a butterfly

| Posted: Monday, February 20, 2006

<b>Harruna Attah</b>
Harruna Attah
A good friend of mine, a good debater, if there ever was one, often says that if anyone wants him to raise an issue over the colours of a butterfly's wings and debate it, surely, he would have no objections, because he has the words and dialectics to do that.

What he is driving at of course is that, if we choose to, we can engage ourselves in endless debate on this or that "issue". He is not saying that entomologists may not engage in that kind of activity - why, because that's what they are paid to do, but for the rest of us, well…

And so ROPAB has been engaging us these past few weeks. The question for me is this: Is it a bad thing or a good thing?

I think, we all seem agreed that it is a good thing. Full stop. So now what we are engaged in is the hair-splitting debate over the colours on the butterfly's wings!

Nice, but we have to draw the line somewhere on the colours - unless we are colour-blind - and see the butterfly for what it is: a beautiful creation. If we want, we can remain in lengthy litigation over the colours, and in the process, the butterfly would fly off and leave us!

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