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Threat of demolition of property
Residents of Ngleshie Amanfro, Kasoa appeal to IGP

| Posted: Wednesday, March 22, 2006

In the public interest, we present this open appeal, unedited, to the IGP which we received yesterday; it was signed by Mr. Essilfie Essel (Spokesperson). His phone number was provided as Dear Inspector-General of Police,


On the morning of Tuesday the 21st of March, 2006, the peace and quiet synonymous with a new and developing area like Ngleshie Amanfro, Obom Road, South/West of the Jei River, where some hardworking and law abiding citizens of this dear nation of ours have managed out of the sweat of their labour and scarce resources to put up houses to keep body and soul together these hard times, was shattered by a very disturbing news.

The disturbing news was that every body who had property in the area should relocate within two days or face forced eviction on Thursday, the 23rd of March 2006. All structures still standing by the said date will be pulled down.

1. The two-days verbal quit notice, according to reliable sources, came from one Madam Deede, allegedly, well connected and resourceful woman residing behind Mallata Market, Vanette House near Kokomlemle in Accra.

Sir, we are petitioning you because the disturbing news was not delivered alone by Madam Deede, a civilian. She was accompanied by a team of police and military personnel armed to the teeth. Their threatening gestures and manoeuvres that Tuesday morning left on our minds several indelible questions we alone cannot decipher.

Sir, we are not oblivious of the effort your office and that of the Defence Ministry are making to improve police-civilian relationship at all levels of our political and social strata and highly commend you for this. We also are fully aware of your abhorrence for officers or civilians taking the law into their own hands, hence our resolve to bring this illegal act to your notice.

2. We are convinced beyond every reasonable doubt that you will not allow a few misguided elements within the scheme of affairs to soil the hard-earned reputation of your office and that of the Defence Ministry. Without being judgmental here, Sir, we think this is a matter of powerful civilians using the police and the military to settle personal scores outside the courts in this day and age vis-à-vis the government’s avowed preference to the Rule of Law.

Please, it will interest you to know that most of the residents in the affected area purchased their lands from the elders and chiefs of Ngleshie Amanfro and have registered documents. Searches some conducted at the Lands Commission before paying for our lands made no mention of Madam Deede’s name or her agents.

We are of a humble opinion that, if she has any problem with the elders of Amanfro, she should go and see them for settlement and not vent her anger on defenceless civilians like us.

3. Sir, if you allow this selfishly motivated exercise to proceed on Thursday or any future date, most of us, we are afraid, may find it difficult to resist the temptation of defending ourselves and properties.

We look forward to your swift action to forestall any breach of peace. Thank you in anticipation.

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