| Posted: Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Alban Bagbin |
Dear Editor, People vote politicians to act for them. Getting agitated over strictly personal slights interferes with this calling. That's why I was going to let sleeping dogs lie after I read the above opinion piece in your Wednesday, March 1st edition of the Accra Daily Mail.
But then in the same column of your next day's edition, the following quotation is among some of the incredibly self opinionated things you said about me and the NDC - If NDC leaders "could even stage a coup on March 6, I bet they would do it and even jubilate! That's really what they've been hankering for these past five or so years!"
. .And this is the kind of simplistic, almost comical posturing vis-à-vis the NDC, that shows you off for what you and your paper have always been known to be ... one of the numerous propaganda channels for the only party on earth that never errs - your beloved NPP! In this era, who doesn't know that it pays very well to sing hallelujah to your political betters whilst clubbing down their perceived opponents at the least pretext.
The good news is that because your brand of propaganda thrives on blind hatred for anything that goes counter to your own music, it will eventually wear thin with use and fade into the sunset. The bad news is that a journalist of your standing should simply choose to wallow in this vicious cycle of hatred. Personally, I think it is a disservice to our nation and to posterity. Hopefully, many of your readers, are discerning and do not wear your kind of blinkers which make you see the world only from one jaundiced perspective.
We all know the stark difference between bare-laced propaganda and fact. Just a few examples from your opinion piece will suffice: Propaganda says Bagbin is "dishonest" and leaves it at that.
Fact says if Bagbin were indeed dishonest he would not have been retained by his people for four consecutive terms in Parliament; and by his party as a two-term Minority Leader. Propaganda again says Bagbin is "pushing the country to the brink".
Fact says, cheered on by the likes of you, the NPP government has consistently and blatantly ignored the wishes of many well meaning Ghanaians regarding issues which are critical to our forward march as a united, consensus building democracy - ROPAB is only one out of many other issues.
Propaganda further says Bagbin is working "to the greater glory of Rawlings".
Fact says Bagbin works on the strength of his own personal convictions, guided by his Party's philosophy of Social Democracy which promises a decent living standard for all Ghanaians, no matter their language or tribe.
Propaganda says with deep seated hatred, "the fires of Gutterdamnierung. . .would consume Bagbin" Fact says Bagbin is a Christian gentleman, not given to invoking the wrath of the elements upon the heads of his enemies, both real and perceived. It is the height of "sophistry" to wish me evil and yet claim "this is neither a curse nor a promise."
Propaganda finally says try as much as possible to avoid the slippery business of debating any issue, instead, take pot shots at the personality behind the issue! Decimate him if possible!
Fact says that's exactly what your opinion columns, including the one under reference, are seeking to do to my person, even though I also see the cynicism in you addressing me as "a Brother from the North!" Bagbin, your brother indeed, takes a lot of pride in his job as a fearless defender of Ghana's young democracy. He may not always be right, but he pledges to always stand up to the rank disregard of the popular will of the people of Ghana by the "growing tyranny" of the so-called majority.
I still stand by my call on all lovers of peace and constitutional democracy to help to reverse the passage of a bill that has the potential to divide our country.
And if this call sounds like "blood lust" to some folks who claim to so love this nation that they are prepared "to burst into tears" sufficient to fill up the Volta Lake, that is because such impunity and hypocrisy is exactly what I call it - 'Tyranny"! And there is no amount of sentimental whimpering from watch-dogs-turned-lap-dogs who can intimidate or deter me from my constitutional mandate to maintain a sense of balance and fair play in our body politic. Good day to you, my good brother "from the North!"